Last Thursday was my last day as a senior. It’s hard to believe that I’ve completed my final days as a high school student, but I am SOOO happy to be done. Let me tell you, I’ve had enough of that school for the last twelve years of my existence. My last week was overall a pretty good week.
I finished with straight A’s and a 4.6 GPA for my senior year. I was worried about a few of my finals, but I did just fine and I’m really proud of this school year. I took six honors courses last semester and three this semester, so ended up with a 4.6 GPA.
I’m finishing 12th in my class of 306, which I am slightly bummed about. I was 11th before this semester, but I guess I didn’t take enough honors courses to move into the top ten or to even stay put. I finished with a cumulative 4.35 GPA.
I received Math Major Honors, Mu Ulpha Theta (math honors society), and Best of Class for French Honors Society. I received these awards and cords at the seniors awards night tonight. While I was happy I got these, I was also really bummed that I didn’t get any scholarships or athletics awards. I worked really hard on those scholarship essays and put a lot of time and effort into all eleven that I wrote. It’s hard watching all of your friends get scholarships and really high recognitions but getting none yourself…
“Long Live” by Taylor Swift was our senior song. Something I was also really happy about because I love Taylor Swift and it’s very suiting. When they played it over the announcements, my and my friends were passionately singing it to each other.
My french teacher gave me a $1,000 scholarship for college. She gave the unaffiliated scholarship to the eight students in my French IV class that received A’s for the semester. Needless to say, we were all absolutely floored. I felt bad taking it, but she insisted. I am really, really touched that she did that for all of us. I’m really going to miss her but I’m glad I have all of the fun memories of going to Europe with her and having her as my star teacher.
I worked 35 hours, plus school. This was really the only negative of the week. One of my coworkers is out for maternity leave, so I was one of the main people that picked up her hours. I’m looking forward to my next paycheck because of it, but I was really exhausted the entire week. x_x
I created a Twitter account.Yeah, I caved. I had never before really seen the point of it, but I thought it would be useful to follow certain people and receive updates. I’ll probably get addicted to it. Feel free to follow me here!
I guess all I can say is I cannot wait for graduation on Saturday. I made a lot of friends and created a lot of memories that I will cherish from high school, but I really cannot wait to get out. I guess it’s just the depressed mood I’ve been in lately, but I just want to move on.
Wow, congratulations on you for finishing high school! That’s awesome that you got a 4.6 GPA and being 12th out of 306 students! 12! That’s like amazing, you should be very proud of your hard work. <3
Congrats on all those awards you received! I'm sorry you didn't get the scholarships you were hoping and had been working hard for. But that's so nice of your French teacher to award a $1000 scholarship to you!
Aaah I love that song. It's totally perfect for graduation and any farewell moments. :'( I'm kinda picturing myself 3 years from now when I'll be graduating high school…. *le tears*
Good luck for graduation!
It's kinda sad in a way to be leaving high school because for me, it's that time when I get to learn about myself more and what I want in life. I guess? Haha, sorry for all the cheesiness. Will. Shut. Up. Now.
I recently graduated last year, although I didn’t have a very GPA to be honest xD But then again, I didn’t entirely know what I was working for back then and why it was important. I’m glad you were able to do that for yourself =)
That’s awesome you got a scholarship like that! Thanks really something to be proud of! ^^
I still miss high school, but being on my own with my schooling and going to college is definitely a great experience. As long as you try and do your best, that’s all that matters =)
Congratulations on completing with straight A’s, well done!! Aww, that was really kind of your teacher. She has a big heart. ^^ Hee, I followed you on Twitter- welcome to the Dark Side!
Wow! Congratulations on all your achievements and on graduating! It must’ve taken so much hard work to have received such awesome grades. I am a freshman and I feel like I already have senior-itis! haha xD Really can’t wait to graduate and move on with my life
Congratulations of your achievements! I know it’s hard moving on after all of the fun memories you had with your buddies but that’s life. It all happens to us. I can’t make it a point to like…cherish them as much as my family whom are the certain ones I love. So really, I can’t relate to your passion on them. But your grades are the ones I could relate on. I had good grades this year and I reached the top ten achievers for the whole school year. I’m an incoming sophomore student and I can’t really wait for the crap (excuse my words) that’s waiting for me from years to come. Good luck on life!
Congratulations on everything!
Congrats on the high grades. I don’t actually know what a high GPA or a low GPA would be since I don’t think we have GPA’s here. It’s a different grading system in most schools in the Philippines, hehe.
Also, congrats on being 12th in the batch, which is great, btw, and also congrats on all your awards!
That was really nice of your teacher!
Well, at least all that work is done. All left is the paycheck, which I would probably be excited about too.
I followed you.
In about 10 months, I would have graduated from high school. I don’t know if I’d be excited, scared or sad. Probably a combination of the 3.
Congratulations on finishing high school! That is so exciting. What is your plan for after high school?
Congratulations on graduating. You’re more independent now. A lot of my friends have graduated all ready and now they’re complaining about their housing, haha.
I didn’t know you could get above a 4.0 for honors or gifted classes. I always assumed that it was just for AP and IB classes. I’m pretty sure my GPA will be around the same as yours since I’ve taken 6 AP classes for the past 3 years and 6 next year.
Even though you dropped down one place, being in the top 5% is still good. I’m ranked 22 out of 550-ish right now, and I’m eligible for QuestBridge’s College Match scholarship partially because of that.
Another congratulations for the scholarship money! Which college are you going to?
CONGRATS! I remember the feeling of graduating high school But wow, you’re a high achiever! hehe I don’t remember my exact rank, but I know I was top something lol I don’t think I was in the top ten, or was I? Ah, I’m getting so old! I cannot remember T__T Cherish your youth my dear! lol xD
Your french teacher sounds so sweet! I hope your movement to greater things go smoothly Good Luck!
Congratulations to you on making it so far with your senior year :)! Finishing off with Straight A’s with a 4.6 GPA is a big deal! Being 12th place is still good, since you’re in the top 5% in your class! If it makes you feel any better, I’m 105/475 in my class. It’s a 20% difference, so feel proud! Congratulations on getting all of these senior recognitions!
Even though you didn’t get a scholarship award in the ceremony, you still got $1000 from your french teacher! You worked hard in your high school years and you should be proud of yourself! Congratulations on graduating and it’s not the end. I know I am depressed myself that I’m leaving high school, but it’s inevitable.
Our last day is on the 29th, on Tuesday. I know for a fact, competitions and festivals has more meaning to me. But I suppose the concert was nearly the same since my parents were there.
Oooh, you’re going to one of those big boy universities! I’m waiting on one university to reply to me (since I’m waitlisted). So hopefully, I’ll get a provisional admit, at the very least. :/.
Take care(:
Congratulations!! And it’s sweet that “Long Live” was your graduation song
Hi, Becca! Long time no talk! You might not remember me, but that’s okay, I kind of had to abandon my site for a while when school started, but I’m intending on being back for summer.
Wow, you’re amazingly smart. Your GPA is astonishing, and I am so proud of you for getting 12th in your class, great job!! Your graduation has passed by now, so I hope you had a great time. You deserve it, you seem like such a hard worker! I wish you the best this summer and in college!!
Wow, you are smart having to finish with straight A’s and be in the 12th position for your senior year. I’m proud of you.
It’s okay that you didn’t get the scholarship awards which you have worked for. I think you are pretty inspirational to begin with. Having your French teacher to give you $1,00 scholarship is just… WOW!
Yay for Twitter. I’ll be following you soon.
Although you may still feel bummed about things, in the eyes of a normal stranger like me, you graduated with flying colors. I am quite envying you because you love your graduation song. When I graduated in highschool, students didn’t really had the chance to pick there graduation song. That sucks on our part and the song our good-two-shoes directress picked was quite an old song. Your French teacher is very nice for giving your scholarship. But I guess you earned it. All in all, congratulations!!!
I also added you on Twitter using my two accounts – #/marymymary“>@marymymary and @pixiespell. The former is my personal account while the latter is for my blog posts. You can follow them both if you want.
I replied on your comment in my post btw. Please check it out here –
Oooh I’m loving the new layout ;D Anyhow, that is a great senior year right there!
I had read this a long time ago, but never got around to congratulating you…so….
CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve worked SO hard and it all paid off. Great things are gonna keep coming your way~