I was organizing some of my files on my computer earlier and found some old essays that I wrote my freshman and sophomore year, so a year to two years ago. I opened one of them and almost started laughing. They were so horrible! I guess you don’t realize how far you’ve come or how much you’ve grown until you stop and look back. I can honestly say that I’ve grown a lot as a writer, just this year, through AP English. I don’t think I realized what I was getting myself into when I signed up for the class.
We do so much writing in there, it’s pretty ridiculous. We had to write to timed essays in both classes last week, then revise them over the weekend and turn them back in to be graded. Then in class today we had another timed essay, in which we have to revise. x_x It’s a lot of work, but because of it, I’ve become so much better. My essays no longer sound choppy or simple, but they flow and are a bit more complex. I’m more proud of my writing and more comfortable with it than I was last year, that’s for sure. Yay for not sounding like I’m a five year old writing a paper!
I was pretty proud of myself today. I have been procrastinating my homework so much lately that I’ve just not really been doing it. But after dinner I sat my butt down on my bed and finished my physics review (I have a test tomorrow. Hope I don’t fail…) and then did some minor revisions to my essay. Then I realized I left the rest of my homework at school. Poop.
I’ve been so unorganized lately, and I think my problem is that I just needed to sit down and get my priorities straight. Sitting in front of my computer for more than three hours after I get home isn’t really beneficial. So, I’ve been trying to get more active and in shape. This week I’ve gone on a walk everyday with either Becky or Andrew, and me and Becky are trying to go running in the morning. We did it last Friday, but it’s hard to get up at 6:00 in the morning, especially if you aren’t a morning person.
Hopefully I can shed a couple pounds before my France trip; we’re going to be doing a ton of walking, plus, I just want to feel better about myself. Losing a little weight wouldn’t hurt. ^^