Live Your Life

I just watched this video, called “The Amish Project,” and the simple truth of it I found rather inspiring. And I thought it was such an awesome thing that this guy did, that I wanted to share:

I really admire that he was able to eradicate all these technological “hindrances,” if I’m allowed to say, from his life. I just think that that is so awesome. So many people, myself included, just waste countless hours of their days doing mindless things like Facebooking and watching YouTube videos. There’s nothing wrong with doing these things as long as it’s in moderation. Yet, I know I can just waste my day away doing these things.

There’s so much out there in life to live and do which will never get done by planting your butt in front of a computer screen or being glued to your phone. I think it’s a bit of an inspiration that, I believe his name is Jake, was really willing to get out and live his life a bit more.My favorite part of the video was near the end when he says, “I know what you’re going to say, ‘but this is the world we live in.’ Well maybe it’s time we live in it?” It’s just so true.

Now I’m not going to up and quit everything like he did, nor do I think that I’m “addicted” to social networking/texting/etcetera, but I think I’m going to be a little bit more aware about how I conduct my time. Or at least I’m going to try.

Bit of a short blog, but just wanted to share this. :)

Note: I just created a Bloglovin’ account if you’d like to follow me. :)

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup…

I’ve been kind of slacking with my blogging this year so far, huh? It’s not that I lack the desire or motivation to, I just keep finding myself lacking things to say.

I also keep finding myself buying books. It’s like a disease and completely compulsory. I signed up for Barnes and Noble’s free two month membership and it comes with free shipping. I’m just going to blame it on free shipping and bargain books. At first it was just buying books to this series I’ve been reading (Ranger’s Apprentice, sounds lame but is completely awesome and maybe meant for little kids but it’s still awesome) but then they started having bargain books (I mean really, can YOU resist buying a hardcover $3 book??). So I’ve been buying quite a bit of books, so much that I’m running out of room on my bookshelf. Which means that I really need to start reorganizing my room, but that’s a ton of work and I’ll just push that off for another time…

On the subject of books, I just completed The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I’ve quite a few friends who are major fans of his, and I suppose I could consider myself one too, but this book was a total bore for me. Normally I love the characters he creates but everything just fell flat–especially what you would consider the “climax” of the book. Not very dramatic or climatic. I was really disappointed. Out of five stars, I would’ve given it three. Though, I did get a signed copy of the book. I hadn’t even realized I had ordered a signed copy until I got it. So the book was lame, but I guess it was worth it for the signature. :P

I don’t think I mentioned this before, but I’m taking a web design class. It’s actually Web Design 2; I took the first class during my junior year. Turns out I’m the only girl. I think it’s kind of funny really, and I actually kind of like it. Only because I’m doing better than most of the guys in there. I think the majority of this is because I’m pretty familiar with everything we’re going over. I am definitely no expert (have you seen my layouts–oh wait…) but being familiar with it all makes it so much easier. I keep surprising myself at how much I already know as well. I guess it’s just all perks of running your own website. :)

Running has been going pretty good since the last time I blogged. I found this website ( that allows you to track and log your runs and other workouts, and I really like it. It’s kind of kept me motivated. I’m really looking forward to some warmer weather though because running on the treadmill gets pretty boring. Some nights, I quit just because I’m bored, not because I’m tired. But, I’m still doing it which is better than what I was doing before: nothing.

I’ve also been writing quite a bit. I’ve almost finished editing my NaNo novel, I’m hoping to completely finish that by the end of February, and I’ve been working on a story that I started a really long time ago, back in 2007. I was just going through my files on my computer and found it. My grammar and writing then was absolutely awful. I mean, did I not know what a run-on sentence was? Anyhow, despite the writing being absolute crap, I really liked the storyline so I’ve been rewriting and it’s been fun. It’s always good to know that you’ve improved in something. :)

© Copyright Rebecca Smith | 2011-2025