Winter has to be my least favorite season. I love the snow, which is one of the only things that winter makes bearable for me, besides cute hats. All winter I had been wishing for a buttload of snow so that I could have a ton of snow days because snow days don’t affect the day that seniors get out. The day the seniors get out is set in stone near the beginning of the year, so no matter how many snow days the school has or how late the rest of the school has to go, we get out on that day.
Naturally we got one snowfall this year and it was about an inch.
But anyways. This past week seems to have made its transition from winter straight to summer here! It’s been about 80 degrees (f) all week and the sun has popped out of the clouds. I was so excited to finally be able to pull my summer clothes out of the closet and wear them. It’s been absolutely wonderful.
Which has its consequences, too. I mentioned in the last post that I had a deadline for all of my scholarship applications and essays. At the beginning of the week I had about four of the scholarship essays written out of the eight or so I wanted to apply to. Since I just couldn’t resist the sunshine, I ended up spending the first half of the week playing tennis with friends and going jogging outside.
I like to use these sunglasses I received as a gift from our coach during tennis season. They’re basically the old 90s sunglasses that look exactly like this. I prefer them to my other sunglasses because I put them on over my regular glasses and they tend to fall off. The orange ones stay on much better despite the fact that I look like an extreme dork. One guy at the park did say he liked them – whether he was joking or not doesn’t really matter.
Anyhow, because I went out and enjoyed the weather, I didn’t get as many of the essays written as I wanted to. Thursday I worked on them for the majority of the night before finally deciding that they weren’t going to get much better no matter how long I worked on them. So I sent them in and turned in the papers that needed my signature this morning. I think that they were decent essays, but not my best. Either way, I’m glad to be rid of them and have one less thing gnawing at me in the back of my mind. I don’t think I will really be relieved until I find out the winners of the scholarships, but I’m hoping that we won’t have to wait too terribly long.
Yesterday was Jovers’ one year birthday. Rather exciting and weird to think that I’ve had this site for so long! But it’s been wonderful to have my own domain. And I’ve loved running this site, so I hope for many more years to come! :love:
My brother’s birthday was this week as well so we went out to eat tonight at a local Italian restaurant to celebrate him turning twenty-three. Everything they have at this restaurant is just delicious. I ordered a side salad, and then we got an appetizer of onion strings to share. By the time my actual entree came, I was full from the salad, appetizer, and the bread that they set on the table. But more for me to eat later!
Tomorrow my family is traveling to Little Rock, Arkansas for one of my cousins’ wedding. It’s a six hour drive which is a bit of a drag because this will end up taking my entire weekend, but oh well. I know that she would come to mine and I want to be there for her on her special day. I’m really excited for her. And to wear one of my new dresses.
I really need to get my things together and pack for it, but I just absolutely hate packing. I’ve always hated packing, and it can screw me over sometimes. When I was going to France and Italy last summer, I didn’t pack until the morning of. Somehow I managed to not forget anything. I really don’t know why I hate it so much. I think a lot of it is that I never plan my outfits out, I just pick something on a whim in the morning, so it’s hard for me to decide on outfits. And it’s so time-consuming and I have to go over everything to make sure I don’t forget something. It seems like a never-ending process. One that I never want to start!
So about that packing…