My Tuesdays and Thursdays are always a bit of a relief in the week because I’m able to sleep in. I don’t have class until 2:00 PM and it’s absolutely great. While I wanted to remain in my cocoon of warmth, I forced myself out of bed yesterday around eight so I could go talk to an advisor from the business college. (To clear up some confusion: I attend a university, and this university is made of up different colleges. Like Business college, College of Arts & Sciences, etc.)
As much as I really, really want to be enjoying my French class right now, I’m not. I absolutely hate it. My professor is rude and assigns a ridiculous amount of homework and, I just hate the class. I don’t know if I just want to give it another shot next semester to see if it was just my professor or now. I don’t know, I just need to think on it some more. I dread working on the homework and consider skipping the class (even though part of our grade is attendance) every day. Argggh! Je ne sais pas!
Anywho, I went and talked to one of the business advisor’s and asked some general questions about requirements and then officially changed my major. All of the classes I’m taking now transfer except one, which is nice. She suggested some courses for next semester and I’m pretty excited for it. I don’t have an emphasis yet, but it feels good just to be able to say right now I’m going into Business Administration.
At the beginning of the semester I had a lot of stress from the confusion of my credits that I received in high school from other colleges. In the dual-credit program (I received both high school and college credit) I took three math classes and an English composition class. It was absolutely great and I sent the transcripts from the college over, except UMKC forgot to put them on my transcript. >.< So I’m enrolled in an English class I already have credit for and there was all this confusion and the advisors didn’t know what to do, blah blah blah.
Well that’s all figured out now, which is a relief. I’m still in the English class, and my transfer credit will just count as an English elective instead. So I’m getting something out of it at least. Though let me tell you, my English class is bonkers. The majority of our grade is based on one research paper, and the paper has to be about writing or research. Therefore, we have to write and research for a paper about writing and research.
I finally decided that I’m doing my paper on the intertextuality of Harry Potter. Which is exciting because I love Harry Potter, but also very boring because,well, it’s about intertextuality which is not exciting at all. I’m not really sure how I’m going to incorporate the research into it, because I feel it will just be more of a rhetorical analysis, but I’m probably just going to bullcrap the entire paper anyways. Oh, college.
Tomorrow is me and Andrew’s two-and-a-half year anniversary. :love: We found out there is a Renaissance Fair out here that’s almost exactly like the one back home in St. Louis and we’re going tomorrow as our kind of date. Haha, it’s going to be fun!
Well, I think that’s all for now. I’m going to head up to the cafeteria for some dinner and hope that they have cookies. Me and Alysha have been sneaking out probably six or seven cookies each time we go to stash up in the dorm room. I wish I could send you all a cookie so you could try it, because they are absolutely delicious. To die for. Whenever people ask me what my favorite part of college so far is I always tell them the cookies. We’re running low at the moment – only two left! – so I need to go change that right now.
Gosh, I’ve turned into a cookie monster!